People Like the Outcome

Show Them what they can be

Help them reach

Make Money in between

I am using a reverse process of how things work, i.e. if you want to go to a party, then you think I will go to this party, then you call upon your friends and tell them about your plans, and you finally go to the party. In this case the outcome is very rewarding and all the proxy steps are as rewarding so you can follow the sequential approach.

But In case of the business I am carrying out in which the student has to go through a detrimental phases of choosing Country, Uni, Subject the reward becomes the primary focus.
Lets show these people what you can be, lets find people who are already successful or showing they are and promote ourselves there. It is an easy walk. You will get a % commission on each onboarding.

Lets sell dreams first. A Lifestyle that they envy. A Life they want to live, a life attainable to few but sellable to many.