It doesn’t matter because in the future I will no longer remember on how much pain I was trying to make it. The future self holds true to me and I...
Show Them what they can be Help them reach Make Money in between I am using a reverse process of how things work, i.e. if you want to go to a party,...
Emotions: As humans we are susceptible to emotions, we are the creatures of emotions, one would throw out all life’s work triggered by emotions. How...
Dear Diary, this day I realized one of the reasons why making Money matters to me. Today I had a chance to meet Touchpoint Team which included Sup, Ro...
There is a saying that the business is 80% understanding human psychology and 20% the actual product.There are few things I would like to add into...
Well first off have you had a chance to look at me, I look 35 (or More), stressed and constantly working.I know that I have to work on the behalf of...